Thursday, November 27, 2008

Celebrity Look a Likes!

One day my oldest sister, Heather, did all her sisters make-up and tried to make us look like a celebrity. Then she took glamor shots of us! It was so much fun!

I was about 12 years old in these pictures! lol! I was so young and thought I was so grown up! lol

Can you guess which celebrity I am dressed up as?


Heidi Mecham said...

Woah, you do look soo young! and WOAH you actually posted. Hurray!!! Were you dressed up as Shania Twain? I can't remember. Those pics were so fun. I love it when Heather would do our makeup and then take our pics. Those were the days.

Heather Walker said...

That was so much fun. I love how all of you looked. Im so glad that you posted these. You look so beautiful. I especially love the one with your arm up. Beautiful!